
My strengths are:

  • Intrinsiek ICT gemotiveerd – Ik ben zowel privé als in mijn werk bezig met ICT gerelateerde zaken en vind het erg leuk om hiermee bezig te zijn. That is why I want to turn my hobby into my work.
  • Accuracy – I always work fairly accurately by checking everything and not skipping anything.
  • Service provision – I am always ready to help others and solve problems.
  • Applying new developments – I follow new developments in the field of IT closely and I find it very interesting to get started with new stuff.
  • No 9 to 5 mentality – If there is a problem that needs to be solved, I continue to work even though this is outside of working hours.

Skills I’m working on:

  • Communicate in writing and orally – Sometimes I am a little late asking for help from others.
  • Taking the initiative when things are unclear – If an assignment is not clear to me, I sometimes wait a bit longer to ask for clarity or help.